Tuesday, 16 June 2015

When Boundaries are Unhealthy

Personal Boundaries Series continue...

Most people with poor boundaries setting skills are usually victims of their upbringing. As children, they were probably exposed to adults that did not realise the importance of raising children appropriately. They are usually not taught values that help them to be more considerate, tolerant and supportive without letting them lose their sense of identity. For example, a working mother, who doesn’t have time to cook, may allow her children to eat anything, anytime, anywhere. The mother had successfully allowed her laziness to overshadow teaching her children the values of hygiene, comfort and satisfaction of eating homemade meals.   

In such situation, the children grow up thinking that boundaries don't matter. They grow up without identifying a clear pattern of setting personal boundaries. Because they do not have theirs there is every tendencies they might likely resent those who have successfully developed healthy personal boundaries and may want to intrude on it.

In a bid to develop a semblance of personal boundaries, they adopt the rigid or inflexible boundaries. However, because, these are not healthy boundaries, it affects their relationship with people as they are often seen as too rigid and impersonal and this prevent them from enjoying a wholesome relationship with others. Sometimes they are always on the edge of emotional breakdown.

 How to spot unhealthy boundaries and fix them

Rounded Rectangle: Lack of a Sense of Identity
Lack of a Sense of Identity

A good way of knowing you have unhealthy boundaries is when you depend on another person for your identity and can hardly stand on your own to do anything worthwhile. Everyone is unique however, if you always have to draw your inspiration from others just to be identified with them, then there is something wrong. This also shows up if we are ready to do anything I mean just anything to keep being friends with such people. Sometimes, many people have become victims of horrible physical, emotional and sexual abuse because they want to keep being friends with certain people who do not truly value them as a person.

Rather than keep being tied to such people, the best way is to really discover what makes you unique and enjoy it. It may take time but it is usually worth it. Identify and cultivate your God-given talents and nurture them. Gradually, you would begin to see that you would have a fulfilling relationship with others and you can actually be who you want to be without depending on anybody for your identity.
A better approach to appreciate other people’s boundaries, especially those close to you, is to allow them make decisions without your direct influence. This is quite healthy and it shows you are confident of their decision making skills. Even when they fail at it, it leaves them with their integrity intact. Such attitudes speak of your trust and respect for such person and the choices they have chosen to make. Refuse to be a manipulator in your relationship by imposing yourself at all times on people.

Although, there are times when circumstances might warrant you to close in to the personal space of others, especially when you have to display worthy virtues such as sympathy and compassion. This should however, not be abused. It is not an excuse for one partner to dominate the other.

Another way to spot unhealthy boundaries is when you need to have someone make you feel complete or depending on such person for happiness. As much as possible, try to enjoy your personal company. Set goals that challenges you and try to achieve them. Fill your life with pursuits that makes life meaningful and fulfilling. This is the time to take up a new hobby such as learning a second language, things you have secretly desire to know how to do, take it up and go for it. The amount of time needed will take your mind off the person you think you need to feel complete.

Lack of boundaries etiquette lead to boundary invasion. Boundary invasions is an impolite form of unhealthy boundary. The following are some of the ways in which boundary invasions take place:

  • Getting unnecessary close to others and invading their personal space.
  • Inappropriate touching such as making unwanted sexual advances
  • Looking through others personal files, letters, documents, etc.
  • Not allowing others their personal space. An example would be barging into your boss’ office without knocking. 

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