Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The Power of WORDS

The words you hear, the words you speak, the words in your heart are POWERFUL.

Your WORDs determine your personality.
How do you gain mastery over the words you speak and turn them to your advantage?

The WORD is Potent and has Creative force. Even God Himself shows us the importance of spoken words. He spoke at creation and everything He spoke He saw.

The WORD when wrongly spoken can destroy years of relationship with children, spouse, family or friends, can destroy things of value. Words when spoken with an uncontrolled anger and outburst can cause life damage.

Words kill faster than Guns. Words spoken go to the root and source of matter to address the situation.

Words can mould or destroy destiny faster than imagined.

Word in another way can be used to create mighty things out of nothing. Words when rightly spoken can create an Empire that will transcend Generations.

What kind of Words are we speaking - into our life and into other people’s life?

Image Credit:

Are they WORDS of anger, mistrust, wrong accusation, despondency or pleasure, trust, praise and hopefulness?
Are they WORDS of cheer that can build confidence or that can tear heart apart?


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Words can inject hope and create a new beginning,
Words can put a smile on anybody's face when rightly spoken and can also make an adult cry and wail from the heart like a baby.
Words are dynamite, Words are creative, and Words spoken with Faith in God can turn any situation around.

God bless our tongue.

May I used this medium to invite people of like passion and mind as Guest Writers to this blog, so we can together reach out to the World and Rescue a Child Today.

1 comment:

  1. This is a word in season for anyone that desire to make something out of life. Thank you for the depth of revelation shared here.
