Tuesday, 8 September 2015


Why be a Child Ambassador:                   

You might be tempted to ask why spend your hard earned money to feed, clothe, train or make another man’s child happy. Well, it is actually because it is really hard earned. A child’s life is hard earned and it takes a man’s sweat to build another man. If a child who is in need has a support system put in place, it allows such a child to grow, discover her talents and be useful to humanity. Often times, all you need to do be a child’s ambassador is give your time and make yourself approachable.
Below are some reasons why you should be a child ambassador.

How to be a Child Ambassador

·        You must have had or developed a good reputation in your community. People will only respond to your advocacy once they are convinced that you are dependable, trustworthy and quite passionate on issues of concern to the children or even the teens around you.
·        Identify the needs of vulnerable children and find ways to fill it. This is made possible by reaching out to other people of like minds to discover ways of leveraging on opportunities made available by organizations, religious institutions business and social clubs etc.
·        Set up organizations that promote the welfare of children or be involved in already established organizations that you believed in. Sometimes, all you need to do is just to personally fund basic provisions that can make a difference in a child’s life. Gradually, you extend your appeal to friends and family.
·        You can also develop yourself by taking courses on public speaking, leadership and marketing to build your confidence when making presentations to fundraisers of sponsors. You can also train others who are equally passionate to be a Child Ambassador to get them started.
·        Turn your passion to action. Being a child Ambassador is more than lip service, even if it is one child it will make all the difference. There is no better time than now to advocate for the cause of children. Display passion and make it contagious. Get creative and find ways to make people connect with your vision for the children.
·        Encourage other kids to speak up for the less privileged and believe in value system. When other privileged children are made to be aware of the plight of the vulnerable, it makes them more compassionate and helps bring focus to the issues they are advocating.

Two ways of promoting the cause of children are mentioned below:

·        Mentorship: According to Hosea 4:6 “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge” -NIV. Some children grow up without a clear sense of purpose and direction. They are not to be blamed. Sometimes, they grow up in a lonely environment, with little interaction with their parents, who might be the busy types that place much emphasis on work than building a relationship with their children. For this children, all form of engaging interactions end as soon as the school is over. They are left to face some hours of loneliness and some of them resort to watching television or playing video games which have suggestive or explicit themes of violence, sex and other forms of inappropriate behavior. A Child Ambassador will go out of his / her way to properly nurture such a child. Sometimes, these might not be vulnerable children per se, but children who are in dire need of guidance in some areas of their lives.

·        Food: At one point or time, you must have been confronted with images either physically or in printed form of malnourished children, with bones sticking out and eyes popping out. It is quite a paradox that there are children living in the cities that are seriously malnourished even than those in the villages. There is so much pressure on the meagre resources of their parents that the children are the worst hit. They are usually fed to keep body and soul alive without consideration for their dietary needs. As a Child Ambassador, you can also promote the cause of hungry children by joining or donating to organizations that cares. However, Wisdom need to be applied in this case so that your good intention will not perverted.

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