Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Discipline - Greatest School of Learning in the life of a Child Series

-         is systematic instruction intended to train a person

Discipline is another virtue that is lacking in the life of many children, some parents usually express that they don’t want their children to lack anything and because of that indulge their wards in act of excesses and fail to discipline them when necessary.

Good enough the bible clearly instructs us on how we can use the weapon of the Word of God to effectively train our children so that they will not grow to become a concern.

The bible admonishes us to train our children in the way of the Lord and when they grow up they will not depart from it.

Any child that is out of order is usually into different vices that cannot be imagined.
The act of discipline is very important because no one can amount to anything in life without the virtues of discipline.

To be contd…..

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Friday, 24 October 2014

Greatest School of Learning in the life of a Child

From the time of inception when the foetus is conceived in the womb, a child has somehow been enrolled into a school called a home, irrespective of the structure, context and atmosphere the foetus is growing in.

The first school a child learns from is the home and that is why the first utterance or word spoken by the child is automatically picked from the environment he or she is born into.

How do we now make this school of learning worthwhile for our wards? What kind of virtues, morals and teaching do we ensure our children possess from the home to help them become the person they are created and destined to be.

Many children by reasons of the home they were born into grow with the concept of worthlessness, no sense of value and regard for anything or anyone. This is sometime a reflection of the first school of learning they attended which is the home.

It is a common understanding that in all schools of learning, the students are instructed on what to do or not the other way round. When a child is left to have his or her way at all times in the home, then the original concept of home being a school of learning is defeated.

When a child is not taught some basic virtues and values at home it creates huge gap in the society. For this purpose, we shall be discussing three values which our children are meant to learn from home, their first School of Learning.


Online dictionary defined Waste as use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose, barren, unproductive etc.
When we talk of waste, there are basic things children need to know:

This could be as simple as letting our children know that resources like food, time, and everything that matters to existence including their own lives should not be wasted by all means but put to maximum usage.


I know of a family that seriously frown at wasting food and I agreed with that concept too, I do not take it likely with anyone in my home that wastes food or anything of value.

One of the ways in ensuring that nothing is wasted is knowing what to do with what God gives per time so that we don’t squander it before it is needed.

It is our responsibility as parents to ensure that there is no waste by showing examples to the children.

Simple steps to avoid waste

To be contd…..

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

What can your Child say about you…. in a flash

Is your life a role model to your Children and how are you affecting them positively……

                                  Photo Credit:

Celebrating my Jewel as God adds another year to her today……. my LOVE

I posed these 3 unexpected questions to one of my daughters when she was not up to 10 years of age, she gave me her responses. These I wrote down unknowingly to her.
 Please read and laugh with me….

1.       What I like about my School

       General Hygiene
       Creativity
       Spirituality
       Moral Discipline
       Well Groomed Teachers
       Excellence

2.      What I like about my Mummy

       Personal Hygiene
       The way she carries herself
       Very Disciplined
       Zero tolerance for failure
       Spiritual Anchor
       She dignifies herself
       She is caring about people around
       The way she takes care of the family

3.      What I like about my Daddy

       Spiritual Discipline
       Honesty
       Caring
       His Love for God
       His Love for my Mummy
       His Love for his daughters

Friday, 17 October 2014

What is the value of the life of a CHILD?

What amount of value can you place over the life of a child? To what extent will a parent go to protect his/her children?

In the context of this, what will be considered to be the norm when raising a Child?
Considering the different phases in the life of a child, what are the roles of parents and guardian?
What are the real need of Children?

Children are faced with diverse challenges that are often times not shared with parents or people as there is no one they can trust.  
What practical steps can be taken to ensure open communications with our children?

What are the tools used in bringing up a child?
How do we address the challenges in homes which affect the destiny of children?

In view of the above questions, this blog is mainly dedicated to saving the life of children. This Vision is for individual to target a Child and ensure the destiny of that child is safe and secured using appropriate tools to mould the child.

There are ground rules on this blog, this is for the building of destinies, profane and abusive words will not be allowed.

This is not a forum to judge, insult or discuss religion or Churches. It is not a forum to insult anointed men and women of God.

This Forum will promote creativeness, entrepreneurs, godly ideas and innovation that cohabit Love and work as team. The Forum is aimed at breaking the gap between parents and children by providing a platform that will enable the parents understand and learn how to use various articles from this blog to assist the child to achieve purpose in life in the midst of happenings of today.

Productive comments, contributions and posting in line with good practice are welcome.
URL or hyperlinks that leads to spamming, phishing or scam is highly prohibited and are not allowed on this site.

The use of background codes, malware infected comments or Trojans that will affect the site integrity is prohibited.

It is very likely that there will be diverse opinions, but it must not degenerate to threats and use of abusive languages.